Sunday, April 27, 2008

RSS Figured Out!

Taking Michelle Martin's advice on her reply to my blog, I finally got around to figuring out how to use the RSS reader I added on to Firefox! Every time I add a blog to my reader I "crow"! I actually figured out how to work the thing. There is hope for the technologically challenged! It's called "Fearless", hummed to a Bob Marley tune :)

I have even managed to import feeds and I am currently following The Bamboo Project Blog (my fav), dy/dan (also my fav) and today I added two more, The Faculty Room and The DA Pulse. I'm rather impressed with myself!


Lovekandinsky said...

Congratulations, Cindy! And I'm honored to be in your reader. :-)

cindy55 said...

Thank you, Michelle. I find so many thought-provoking ideas in your blog!
The current one is the idea of bridging and the 31 day comment challenge!